Wednesday, January 1, 2020

UBC Steam Fitter Fights Punitive Psychiatry


April 1, DEADLINE approaching fast. Time for full exposure. THE TIME IS UP... after over 10 years of keeping ALL of this undercover, it's finally getting out. See UPDATE ON DEADLINE BELOW TO JUNE 04, 2024. INTELLIGENT INTERVENTION FROM UBC AND THE CUPE NATIONAL NOW REQUIRED TO TRY AND KEEP ALL OF THIS IN HOUSE. 

In June 2019 I had to leave my Employment as an Engineering Change Planner at a Vancouver Shipyard. The reason I could NOT complete a required for employment NATO Criminal Record Clearance, was that I have a Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal RecordFinancially this was a much NEEDED Employment. By NOT subitting my Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Record could have resulted in Criminal Charges against ME.

In early 2023 the HEREDITARY FACTOR of what was documented against ME, Mental Illness wise was USED against a family member (Privacy Respected on this).

From mid 2008 when the CUPE National kicked me out of CUPE and severed my 19 year CUPE and my UBC livlihood, it totally destroyed my family life... Only I am capable of clearing myself and my family lineages names of what is Criminally documented against myself and family lineage in my Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report.

This is a story about EXTREME HATRED. What type of people would dole out on ME and my Family Lineage a PUNISHMENT to forever carry a known to them FORGED Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Record. Not too many people involved, a few from The CUPE National and a few from UBC / HR working with a few pawn Psychiatrists from The UBC Department Of Psychiatry. 

In brief the reasoning, my initial belief was it was due to a Workers Compensation Claim, my first ever where a UBC Manager LIED and I lost the Claim. I proved the LIE and the UBC Manager who LIED was FIRED. Embarrasing for UBC, however that wasn't the reason for the HATRED. In search of MOTIVE for the ongoing HATRED I figured out how the WCB system worked at UBC. What I figured was that UBC had a system in place that allowed them to pocket ALL monies coming into UBC from WCB. The gains from this I connected to massive Salary Hikes in 1997 some UBC Managers as high as 150%, also gaining with 70% Hikes were the CUPE Local 116 Executive who were my initial oppressors from 1997. I would assume in 1997 Salary Hikes to British Columbia Regional and CUPE National (Unknown). I was getting warm and this Financial Figuring should have been NONE OF MY BUSINESS. The REAL REASON for the CUPE National and UBC HATRED was that I BELIEVE that my FIRST EVER Workers Compensation Claim BEGAN the Workers Compensation RETURN TO WORK PROGRAM AT UBC and quite possibly British Columbia. This is the REASON for WHY the CUPE NATIONAL pushed my CUPE LOCAL 116 BARGAINING UNIT to the side and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY took over as my REPRESENTATION OR MISSREPRESENTATION. 

STEP BY STEP BY YEAR HIGHLIGHTS at BOTTOM. The dated facts by YEAR on my story are easier to follow.